
Time tracking and order processing

With many years of experience as an IT company and external service provider, we have developed the Servicereporter as a browser application.

The Servicereporter is a lightweight and mobile office software. From customer orders to service reports, all the way to automated consolidated invoices, the Servicereporter supports you and your employees in the daily management of your documents and receipts.

With the integrated order processing, you always have an overview of your inventory and can create purchase and sales documents in no time. In addition to the usual functions of master data maintenance, the Servicereporter offers an integrated service ticket system, calendar and email integration, as well as a smart system for recording your employees' working hours.

Data import and export functions, as well as graphical representations of sales or working hours, complete the range of functions.

Slim order management software

for service provider in the cloud

Service slip and invoice

Purchase and Sales Documents Online

In order to easily create purchase and sales documents as a service provider or craftsman, it is necessary to maintain the master data: items, customers, and suppliers. The master data is quickly inserted into the documents using elegant search functions. All documents are created as PDFs and can be directly sent via email from the application.

Online Service Report

The service report is easily created online with a click from the order. The service times are added, and the customer can sign online. The service report is sent as PDF to the customer via email. After the order is completed, a consolidated invoice is simply created from all service reports.


Time Tracking and Time Billing

Time can be recorded in the office as timesheets or on-site with the customer as a service report, service sheet, or proof of performance. In addition to simple presence or absence times, the times can also be allocated to internal orders, tickets, customers, or as order/project time.

IT companies, craftsmen, and self-employed individuals can keep a close eye on their orders and service times. Through integrated time tracking in the order item, you will receive a clear invoice with accurate time billing.

An overview of employee hours is quickly obtained with the integrated graphical representation. This also provides a good overview of your company's productivity.

Test Servicereporter

You can test ServiceReporter

Our demo companies: User: demo, guest1

Take a look at our demo companies: All functions are available here. All areas are filled with data.

Your own company

Register and set up your own company. Enter customers, orders and service times. You have a 14-day free trial period. The license costs only apply when you order your license.

Login / Logout

Demo Logins



„In der aktuellen Marktsituation ist es existenziell wichtig eine effektive Nachkalkulation für unsere Projekte zur Verfügung zu haben. Den tatsächlichen Zeitaufwand erfassen wir mühelos während der Projektarbeit mit dem Servicereporter. So sind alle Tätigkeiten ohne Mehraufwand erfasst und dokumentiert. Dienstleistungen können wir über die integrierte Schnittstelle mit unser Warenwirtschaft abrechnen."

Dipl.-Ing. Wilfried Beeck


„Wir machen Vertrieb und erbringen Dienstleistungen im IT Bereich. Den Servicereporter setzen wir für unsere gesamte Auftragsabwicklung ein. Besonders gut gefällt uns die Zeiterfassung mit integrierten Sevicescheinen. Damit haben wir eine übersichtliche Dokumentation zu den Mitarbeitertätigkeiten und zusätzlich können wir aus den erfassten Zeiten direkt unsere Dienstleistungsrechnungen erstellen. Daher empfehlen wir den Servicereporter gern weiter."

Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Leif Kretschmer

Geschäftsführer Cotanum GmbH

„Als Thai Lehrerin bin ich Dienstleister im Bildungswesen. Ich notiere mir meine Unterrichtszeiten und rechne diese mit dem Servicereporter ab. Ich schätze die einfache Bedienung und die schnelle Zeiterfassung und die übersichtliche Zeitabrechnung."

Frau Unruean Kaeobun

Selbständige Thai Lehrerin